TK Community and Staff Begin Planning for Future

Superintendent Rob Blitchok said the current TK strategic plan was intended to be a five-year plan and since it was implemented in 2013, now is the appropriate time to engage the community to formulate an updated plan.

"It's just time to re-assess and analyze where we are as a district. We need to make sure our strategic plan validates what we do and we want to have community input on where they want our district to be in the next three to five years," said Blitchok.

More than 50 stakeholders gathered to begin the process Tuesday night in a three-hour session. David Killlips and Dr. Steven Tunnicliff from Michigan Leadership Institute facilitated the beginning discussion and challenged stakeholders to consider how and what the district could become in the future.

"What should TK Schools look like five years from now," asked Tunnicliff.  "How will you make those changes and why?"

He reminded stakeholders the strategic plan is not something that is put together in a few short hours, but something developed over time. It also is not a  final plan for change, but rather a roadmap to help guide future strategies for the district.

The strategic planning goals include developing a shared vision of an ideal future for the district and to chart the course to bring the vision to reality. It also engages all stakeholders in understanding the current reality for the district.

The stakeholder group will meet again Dec. 4 to begin putting thoughts and ideas into action. After the stakeholder meetings, an advisory team will continue meeting to finalize the plan and formulate goals.

A community survey will be available soon for all TK community members. Blitchok said community input and support for the plan is critical.

"I'm very grateful for all the people who came to the community forum Tuesday night and gave some great input," said Blitchok. "It was an amazing turnout and it just continues to show the depth of community support for this district."
