TKHS College and Career Fair Showcases Possibilities for Students

The experience was just one of many available to Thornapple Kellogg High School juniors and seniors at Wednesday’s college and career fair. The large gym was filled with 48 businesses and colleges giving students the opportunity to select which best fits their interests. Health care, construction, agriculture, engineering, industrial machining, skilled trades, banking and financial, and the U.S. Armed forces were just a few of the career areas represented.


TKHS teacher Layn Welker, who organizes the College and Career fair, said he was very pleased with the turnout of local companies and their willingness to spend their morning talking with students. “It’s a good way for students to find summer jobs, talk about internships and learn about college tuition reimbursements that a lot of companies offer now.”


He said it is also a good chance for students to get better acquainted with different types of careers available in the area. “There are so many options available,” said Welker.


Many of the presenters were Thornapple Kellogg alumni and said they love coming back to talk with students about their own careers. Representatives talked with students about the education they will need for jobs and even job shadow opportunities.


The fair was a reminder to students of all the options they have available and that there are opportunities right here in West Michigan. Welker said he appreciates all the professionals who take time out of their days to come to the College and Career fair and talk with students.


Companies represented at today’s career fair:

U.S. Army

U.S. Navy

U.S. Marines

Barry County Road Commission

Corewell Health

Bradford White

Hastings Insurance

Caledonia Farmers Elevator

Thornapple Manor

Ferris State University

Calvin University

Barry County Substance Abuse Task Force & Barry County Mental Health Authority

Lown Homes

Everett’s Landscape

Owen Ames Kimball

Kellogg Community College

Choice Concrete Construction

Spring Arbor University

YMCA of Barry County

GreenMark Equipment

Michigan State Police

Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights

Kellogg Community College - RMTC

Douglas J

Barry County Chamber and Economic Development Alliance

Universal Technical Institute

Burgess Concrete Construction

Davenport University

West Michigan Works!

Digitrace LTD

HomeWorks Tri-County Electric Cooperative

Lawrence Technological University

Thornapple Eyecare

Hastings Fiberglass Products, Inc.

Highpoint Community Bank

Bruggrabe Masonry

Oakland University

Thornapple Township Fire Department

Grand Rapids Community College

Aquinas College


