McFall Students Build Relationships with HS Friends

A TK High School group called the Student Athletic Leadership Team (SALT) shared some of their time last week with McFall students. Some of the SALT members read books to the younger students. Others played with cars and building blocks at indoor recess time. They joined classes at gym where the “big” kids and the McFall students scooted across the floor together, swiveled hula hoops around their hips, played catch and just spent time playing, laughing and enjoying being together.


TKHS Athletic Director Brian Hammer said he hopes to have students visit all of the elementary schools just to be good role models and make connections with younger students. 


“Some of these younger students know our high school student-athletes and look up to them. The goal is just to have our high school students be good role models and just build some relationships with our younger students,” said Hammer. 


“We got to play catch,” said one McFall student thrilled with the surprise guests at gym. Another giggled with glee as high school students helped teach her how to use the hula hoop. Two young boys squealed in awe when the high schoolers threw a rubber ball high into the air nearly touching the rafters, then running to catch it as it bounced to the ground.


McFall Principal Jon Washburn said he loves the interaction between his students and the high school students. "It's great to have them (the high school students) come here and play with students and just be another positive person in their lives. I love it and the students here love getting the chance to have a big brother or big sister experience."


It wasn’t just the younger students who came away with smiles and feelings of finding new friends. High school students said they had an absolute “blast” and can’t wait to visit again.
